Tash Nguyen

Executive Director

(341) 420-0955

Tash (she/they) is a queer, gender-nonconforming, community organizer and circlekeeper working to build racial and economic justice. For over 10 years, they’ve been organizing to reduce jail populations, stop jail expansions, and redirect resources out of carceral budgets and into life-affirming solutions.

Tash is trained in restorative justice, mediation, and various conflict resolution techniques. They believe that we must build cultures and practices that move beyond punishment if we are to meaningfully break cycles of violence and create a world rooted in shared prosperity.

Prior to joining Restore Oakland in 2019, Tash served as a Senior Organizer and Advocate at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, a founding partner of Restore Oakland. They proudly serve on the board of the REAL Peoples Fund.

Tash was born and raised in the Bay as a child of Vietnamese refugees. Their dedication to dismantling systems of domination is fueled by the deep ties she has in her community and her broader vision of liberation. They love noodles, backpacking, and nerding out over music and poetry.

Debbie Leggio

Managing Director

(341) 420-0957

Debbie (she/her) is an experienced finance, operations, organizational development,  and human resources management professional with a deep commitment to social justice and dismantling systems that disseminate economic injustice. Debbie brings over 20 years of experience working with mission-based organizations dedicated to community building and advancing a more just and equitable society to her role as Managing Director. 

A native New Yorker, Debbie relocated to the Bay Area in 2009. She comes to the organization with many years of experience in the non-profit sector working in Human Services as a Program Director and Learning and Development Coordinator with Housing Plus Solutions in Brooklyn, New York as well as, Economic and Workforce Development as the Director of Finance at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center in San Francisco. 

Prior to joining Restore Oakland Inc as a staff member, Debbie was the Director of Finance and Operations at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, a founding partner where she helped manage a $22M capital campaign and helped the launch of Restore Oakland.

In her leisure time, she enjoys gardening, the beach, hiking, wine tasting, and exploring all that northern California has to offer.

Jessie Nguyen

Restorative Economics Organizer

(341) 420-0954

Jessie (they/them) is a community advocate, food entrepreneur, and queer creative based in Oakland, Ohlone Land. Raised in the Bay, by way of Naperville, Illinois, they are a second-generation Vietnamese of the diaspora. Jessie began their career in economics and has spent the past decade cooking and sharing Vietnamese food. They are passionate about the heart-centered experiences of community building as opportunities for awareness, connection and care.

Kari Malkki

Healing Justice Organizer

(341) 420-0953

Kari (any pronoun) is a queer, Black organizer and facilitator who brings her training in policy advocacy and social work to the movements for prison-industrial-complex abolition and Black liberation. Kari has roots in rural North Carolina, Uganda, and Finland, and has been cultivating a home in the Bay Area over the last six years.

Before joining Restore Oakland, Kari provided advocacy and support to incarcerated Californians fighting for resentencing and release, and worked with unhoused folks and low-income families to access housing and vital services. They hold an MSW/MPP from UC Berkeley, and are passionate about liberatory approaches to healing and mental healthcare. On good days, Kari may be found reading in the sun, dancing to live music, homemaking with their partner, and tending to plants.

Natalya Bomani

Healing Justice Campaigner

(341) 420-0958

Natalya (they/them) is a queer lifelong student, multi-media artist, and scholar-organizer devoted to Black feminist movement building, centralizing the heart of their work in prison-industrial-complex abolition. A child of Tanzanian and Malawian immigrants, Natalya came from Michigan and Texas before finding their way to the Bay six years ago where they have cultivated their beloved community.

Natalya’s journey before joining Restore Oakland brought them to guide transitional-aged youth into becoming leaders in the struggle for free college; community alternatives to police; and corporate polluter accountability. They also co-designed and founded the NET Growth Movement Guaranteed Income Program for former foster youth (aged 21) in Alameda County. Having further provided in-custody resources and familial support to incarcerated parents, Natalya facilitated reunification to system-impacted families.

Natalya holds an honors BA in Political Science and Sociology from the University of San Francisco where their organizing journey catalyzed. They led direct actions advocating for issues such as Cops-Off-Campus as well as participated in acclaimed panel discussions and workshops, such as examining reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans with Dr. Cornell West.

On good days outside of work, Natalya is sunbathing in the grass while immersing in their latest novel; catching a good sweat in dance class; writing a burst of couplets at the beautiful sites of everyday life; and being in artful and playful community with their best friends.

Zoe Parsigian

Communications Designer

(341) 420-0956

Zoe (she/her) is an organizer, designer, and researcher committed to storytelling and collaborative design processes to address social problems. At the heart of her process is curiosity and a fierce commitment to inclusive design. Originally from the East Coast, Zoe has been living and organizing in Oakland for the past 10 years, and has deep relationship with the Bay.

Zoe has a background in architecture, anti-prison organizing, and restorative justice facilitation.  Working with Decarcerate Alameda and California Coalition for Women’s Prisoners, she has been supporting community-based movements towards liberation for over a decade. This work has led her to shift her design focus towards communications design for political organizing, and she recently graduated from California College of the Arts with a Master’s in Interaction Design. 

Chichi Tettamanzi

Administrative Coordinator

(341) 420-0952

Chichi (they/them) is a community organizer, facilitator, creative, entrepreneur, and author. A non-binary queer who learns by doing and has a passion for divine labor – they have dabbled in organizing for food, housing, and healing justice, as well as, art medicine, care economies, and people’s budgets.

Chichi is the founder of Sola Habibi, a small business hosting and facilitating spaces for QT+BIPOC to heal through art, community building, nature and decolonized yoga practices. Sola Habibi published the Care Economy Manifesto, An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Fostering Care and Community. The manifesto is inspired by the Care Economy workshop series hosted in collaboration with three facilitators and more than 80+ participants. Check out their work at solahabibi.com.

Chichi was born in Ecuador, raised in the Bay Area, and graduated from UC Davis with a B.S. in Sustainable Environmental Design and a minor in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. A Palestinian-Ecuadorian-Italian sweetheart; Chichi is a popular loner spending most of their time painting, cooking, writing, skating, and weaving relationships in and with the people and places of Oakland/Ohlone Territory.

Ray Evans

Healing Justice Circlekeeper


Carlus “Ray” (he/him) is a Richmond native who currently resides in the South Bay. He is a business owner and a Restorative/Transformative Justice circle keeper.

He holds a weekly ‘Citizens Circle’ with formerly incarcerated and never incarcerated individuals. Ray has facilitated community building circles at Stanford University as well as given a speech on prison abolition for a Cops off Campus rally, also at Stanford University.

Ray knows the fundamental problems of the US prison system from the inside and is able to counteract this well functioning system with a humane approach to crime and conflict through this work that he does. He is a formerly incarcerated individual who spent 27 years as a resident of the California Department of Corrections.


Our Board

Nwamaka Agbo

Board Chair

CEO of Kataly & Managing Director of the
Restorative Economies Fund

Nwamaka Agbo (she/her) is the CEO of the Kataly Foundation and Managing Director of the Restorative Economies Fund. In her roles, Nwamaka collaborates with the Kataly team to lead the foundation’s day to day operations, while holding the community-centered strategy and vision for the Fund.

With a background in community organizing, electoral campaigns, policy and advocacy work on racial, social and environmental justice issues, Nwamaka is deeply committed to supporting projects that build resilient, healthy and self-determined communities rooted in shared prosperity.

Prior to joining the Kataly Team, Nwamaka built an independent consulting practice guided by her framework on Restorative Economics. As a consultant, she provided technical assistance and strategic guidance to community owned and governed community wealth building initiatives like Restore Oakland, Black Land & Power and others. Her work with these community driven projects led her to providing trainings and advisory services to donors, foundations and impact investment firms including institutions like The San Francisco Foundation and RSF Social Finance. Nwamaka has served as a fellow for the Center for Economic Democracy and the Movement Strategy Center. She proudly serves on the board of Thousand Currents, Restore Oakland, Inc. and Resource Generation.

To relax and unwind, Nwamaka enjoys spending quiet time in her Oakland backyard savoring sips of bourbon.

Jessamyn Sabbag

Board Member


Jessamyn Sabbag (she/they) is a lifelong resident of the San Francisco Bay Area. With ancestors from Syria, Italy and Germany, she grew up during the imperialist wars in the “Middle East,” and came into her own as an activist and then organizer as she connected the dots between her own family’s trauma from serving in the military and the trauma of her people in the Arab region. After graduating from Brown University in 2001, Jessamyn participated in countless anti-war mobilizations, and became drawn to civic engagement and power-building strategies to advance social justice. 

Jessamyn currently serves as the Senior Director of the Power Pathway at the San Francisco Foundation, where they work to resource and amplify the work of community organizations that are building political power to advance racial and economic justice. Prior to that, Jessamyn ran a consulting business to support organizations to develop their long-term political strategy using the tools of c3, c4s and PACs; design and implement impactful campaigns; and build leadership development programs that engage folks ranging from newer organizers to elected progressive leaders. 

Jessamyn brings a proven track record in providing visionary, strategic, accountable and collaborative leadership from their 12 year tenure at Oakland Rising, where they moved from Field Director to Deputy Director to Executive Director.  She led the organization in developing its collaborative structure to build the capacity and synergy between nine diverse racial, economic and environmental justice organizations, and myriad partners from the community, labor, political and philanthropic sectors. While at Oakland Rising they helped grow their voter base from 1,400 people to over 25% of the city’s electorate, culminating in winning a progressive governing majority on the City Council in 2020, for the first time in about 40 years. Jessamyn is also one of several co-founders of Bay Rising and Bay Rising Action, a regional vehicle to build community control and political power.

Jessamyn is passionate about redistributing wealth, ending the military/police industrial complex, and building beloved community that centers care and belonging, love and liberation. Jessamyn is mama, partner, daughter, sister, friend, neighbor and community member. She loves being in and connecting with nature, plants and animals, and is an avid swimmer and gardener.

Cinthya Muñoz

Board Member

Chief of Staff, for Oakland Council Member Fortunato Bas

Cinthya (she/her/ella) started organizing as a student in Sacramento leading efforts to fight the criminalization of young people of color. In 2006, Cinthya spearheaded efforts to organize student walkouts, community forums and marches that led and contributed to the immigrant rights strikes of May 1, 2006.

From 2007 to 2015, Cinthya led the immigrant rights organizing work for Causa Justa :: Just Cause. During this period CJJC developed and successfully carried out campaigns to fight the entanglement of deportation programs with local police enforcement, pass policies to protect and advance the rights of immigrants and bring attention to the corporations who financially invest in and benefit from the incarceration and deportation of communities of color.

Cinthya was most recently Legislative Director for Alameda County District 2. She is a mama, birth worker and translator. She loves to spend time by the ocean and walk through the oak woodlands and redwood forests.

Geetika Agrawal

Board Member


Geetika (she/her) has spent her career working with entrepreneur, cultivating the growth of great ideas and talent into sustainable, meaningful businesses.
She spent the past decade as Program Director of La Cocina, a non-profit incubator supporting asset generation for low income women starting food businesses. During her time she supported 100+ businesses, opened thirty-three brick+mortar restaurants along side the talented entrepreneurs – many of which garnered national and international recognition, fought to keep open all active businesses during the lockdowns of the Pandemic, and was critical to the growth of the organization as it grew from under $1M organization to $15M+. In that work she has worked across the entire ecosystem of food, building partnerships across partner organizations, developers, policy makers, architects, food industry leaders, and more to push for more equitable opportunities for entrepreneurship. Geetika has been part of the Rockwood Leadership cohort of Women Leaders in Rational Justice, a fellow at the Wallace Center’s Food System Leadership Network, and a Top 15 finalist for Levi Strauss’ BIPO Leaders of Change.  She left La Cocina last spring to plant new seeds, but remains deeply passionate about the potential to build more vibrant, equitable cities if we are brave enough to take a model break, restorative approach to real estate and economic development where communities and entrepreneurs of color are centered in growth. Geetika is honored to be serving on the board of Restore Oakland, alongside exciting, powerful leaders looking to rebuild our systems.
Geetika has a Computer Science degree from Stanford, an MBA from NYU Stern, and prior experience working in Tech, Business Incubation Emerging Markets, Social Investing, and Social Enterprise Sector in California, London, and India.  She proudly calls the Mission District of San Francisco her home and can often be found eating something delicious in a corner of the city. 

Vivian Yi Huang

Board Member

Co-Director at APEN

Vivian Yi Huang (she/her) currently works at Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) alongside immigrant and refugee community members to build power and create the world of love and justice we envision. Being from a Chinese immigrant family, she was raised in a culture of loving your people, living in the world of possibility, and the importance of making ideas tangible. Over the past 11 years and now as a Co-Director, Vivian has played a leadership role in strengthening APEN’s organizing and leadership development, advancing our collective strategy for just transition and systemic change, catalyzing innovative models, and deepening our embodiment of feminisms and shared power.

Prior to working at APEN, Vivian spent a decade working on policy, legislative, and budget campaigns, including model policies to improve health care interpretation, $25 million for health disparities in cancer, and a successful effort to support immigrant parents that made a conservative “top bills to kill list.”  She has also been a facilitator, trainer, and teacher with the Women’s Policy Institute, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), and San Francisco State University Department of Public Health.

Vivian finds joy in dance parties with her threenager and doggy, somatics and healing, masterpieces by Wong Kar Wai and Octavia Butler, and cake, ice cream, or best of all, the combination.


Board Member

Executive Director at Trabajadores Unidos Workers United

Alejo (she/ella) is a first generation indigenous Zapoteca from Los Angeles, with over a decade of experience leading worker struggles to secure long-term material gains. Alejo is committed to developing rank-and-file leadership, challenging the boss, and embodying a principled stance that honors the praxis and historical legacy of proletarian struggles.

Some notable parts of Alejo’s organizing trajectory include her role in organizing fast food workers demanding livable wages in Northern California, and currently guiding the coordination of the statewide Safety Net for All coalition, which aims to secure fundamental benefits for immigrant workers historically excluded from government aid programs. She currently serves as the Executive director of TUWU, where she has been building working class power since 2019.

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