Healing Justice

Our Framework

Healing is inseparable from the work of dismantling systems of oppression, and healing is integral to our vision of justice. At Restore Oakland, Inc. we honor the wisdom of the Kindred Collective, and the countless Black feminist and Indigenous revolutionaries who have illuminated the importance of collective practices of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

The healing justice framework strengthens our capacity to address the ongoing and historical trauma our communities face, and affirms the need to weave nourishment, care, and connection into our movements.

Healing justice addresses the layers of trauma and violence our communities have been living with for generations and asks us to bring collective practices of transformation into our work. We believe that our communities have the capacity to prevent, respond to, and heal from harm – without relying on policing and punishment. 

We are committed to organizing to dismantle the prison industrial complex while also building ways of healing together and keeping each other safe. We all deserve to heal on our terms as we confront oppressive systems that get in our way.


Circles &

Building the skills we need to care for each other & heal together.

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Practicing accountability, transformation & healing from harm.

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Care First

Organizing for decarceration & community mental health.

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